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Contact Us:

The Forest Preserves of Winnebago County have a variety of activities and sights to see. If you need further assistance or information, please reach out to us!

Thanks for submitting!

Mike Holan
Executive Director


Fax: 815-877-6124

Vaughn Stamm
Director of Operations


Sherry Winebaugh
Human Resources Manager

Kristy Knapp
Administrative Services Manager

Mike Brien
Director of Natural Resources

Mike Groves
Natural Resources Manager

Keith Krey
Stewardship Coordinator

Elizabeth Hucker
Wildlife Biologist

Renee Pixler
Communications Coordinator

Bryan Helmold
Building & Mechanical Operations Manager

Scott Wallace
South Area Manager

Matt Weik
North Area Manager

Rich Rosenstiel
Clubhouse Manager

Mark Freiman
Golf Maintenance Manager

Atwood Homestead & Macktown Golf Courses

Tyler Knapp
Golf Maintenance Manager

Ledges & Macktown Golf Courses

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