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Model Airplane Fly Field

Kieselburg Forest Preserve Radio Controlled Flying Field

Rules & Regulations

  1. Hours of use are from 8:00 am until sunset.  Winter flying will be permitted subject to clear safe ground conditions.

  2. All flyers must have in their possession a current AMA card (or proof of insurance with a minimum of $100,000 liability coverage) and a Forest Preserves of Winnebago County  registration card which must be presented on demand.  Registration cards are valid for the calendar year.

  3. All flyers must obey the safety rules published in the current AMA model aircraft regulations.

  4. All flyers are required to use the established pit area. No taxying planes in pit area (see map).

  5. All flyers must fly from the designated pilot area(s).

  6. Break-in or run-in of new engines must be done in a pilot area not in use.

  7. When returning to the pit area after a flight, no pilot shall taxi beyond the ready area (see map).

  8. Spectators must remain in spectator area (see map).

  9. Under no condition shall a transmitter be turned on before a check of the frequency board has been made or a physical check has been made with all other flyers on the same frequency.

  10. A muffler is required on all engines, 19 and over, after break-in.

  11. A student pilot must be assisted by an instructor until successfully completing 2 solo flights.

  12. A dead stick approach has priority over all other aircraft.

  13. A downed aircraft is to be retrieved only after notifying all other pilots still in the air and receiving their permission.

  14. Flying is not permitted in the following areas:

    • Over pit area

    • Over residential areas

    • Over Swanson Road

    • Over shelter, picnic, or recreation areas of the preserve

  15.  No rockets or remote controlled/engine powered models or toys on flying field other than model aircraft.

  16.  All flyers are subject to provisions of the Forest Preserve District General Use Regulations.

  17.  A violation of any of the above rules shall result in the revocation of flying privileges and/or fines under provisions of the General Use Ordinance

  18. All flyers are subject to all local, state, and federal mandates.

  19. Non-refundable


Resident        Non-Resident

Yearly photo ID pass

1-day pass


$35.00          $45.00
$10.00           $15.00


 A credit card convenience fee of 3% will be applied to all transactions

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