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Ribbiting Facts About Green Frogs


You have probably heard them singing in the early summer months or you spent your childhood years freaking out your siblings with them, but how much do you really know about Green Frogs? Don't worry, we've got the facts.

Green Frog | Photo Courtesy of
Green Frog | Photo Courtesy of

Frogs Make the World a Hoppier Place

Green Frogs can be found spending majority of their time in permanent bodies of water such as streams, rivers, ponds, and lakes. They prefer areas with vegetation. Green Frogs spend most of their time in water, although sometimes you will see them basking on shores. Green Frogs are ectothermic amphibians, which means they are unable to regulate their body temperature, so they often use the sun to warm up.

Green Frogs are typically green, olive, or brown in color with a white belly and yellow throat. On average, they reach a length of 2.25 to 3.5 inches. Green Frogs are often mistaken for Bullfrogs and Mink Frogs.

You may ask yourself, why are frogs always in a good mood? Well, they just eat what bugs them.

Just kidding. But they do eat bugs, more specifically, spiders, insects, earthworms, and most things living near or in shallow water. Green Frogs have also been known to munch on snails and slugs.

Green Frogs are solitary creatures except for breeding season which occurs throughout the summer months. A female Green Frog can deposit up to 4,000 eggs in shallow water and eggs will hatch within a few days. Tadpoles will overwinter in water before transforming the next summer.

Green Frogs are Beneficial to Our Environment

Tadpoles help keep water sources clean by feeding on algae. Adult Green Frogs eat mosquitoes and other insects that can cause disease in humans. Also Green Frogs are an important food source (sorry, frogs) to many predators such as dragonflies (they often feed on tadpoles), fish, snakes, and birds.

Green Frog | Photo Courtesy of
Green Frog | Photo Courtesy of

Fast Facts

Green Frogs can take up temporary residence in ornamental backyard ponds.

A Green Frogs call sounds like a deep "gung" that resembles a loose banjo string.

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